
The Branding Experts at yxymedia

Everyday people leave Second Life as a result of "griefers", the company Karlo-X System, this five years working with the best and most powerful protection Anti-Griefer Second Life, and we are offering for you or for your friend suffers from the same problem, the powerful Maligna-X HUD, so you feel protected and eliminate those people from bad character, and also at a price that knocks out all competitors developing the same system, be sure to check!

Are you tired of being bo...thered by griefers? Here a powerfull solution. Some inferior HUDS that have this system cost more than $4500L! Maligna-X HUD sells for only 1500L$ Recordist Sellers and best Second Life HUD!
disable the enemies huds using NEW ATTACK "HUDShut" (NetCrash 2) Hurt Enemies Scripts and say Bye to griefers! Spell Effect Magicians Attacks, NOW WITH NO-REZ MALIGNA-X HUD CHAT BULLY, Free Itens in Store.

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Karlo-̸Ҳ System™ - Maligna-X HUD Toxic Hazard, is the most powerful Combat System in Second Life! It is designed for SimWide use with your target b...

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