• Fall Outfits

hair comb

Facebook doesn't show you everything about a person. Some things that may surprise you...

1. My hair is VERY thin, but I have lots of it so many think it's think & full of body.

2. I am an introvert. I love people, but you'll often see me step away for even just a few minutes to regain my energy.

3. I am not the life of the party unless I know everyone there REALLY well.

4. Only one of my videos were done in one take. ONE!!! That was yesterday's & only because it was short & had to be done. I get very sweaty, dry mouthed & my heart races with every video. hair comb

5. I love food and hate to workout so there's that... I love the health benefits of working out... but hate it haha

6. I overthink EVERY. SINGLE. THING

7. I hate to brush my teeth. I do it, but I hate it. I don't like my mouth messed with.

8. I love avocados. I've been known to eat them with a spoon.

9. I'm a super emotional/sensitive person. On a scale of 1 to 10 I need to be at a 6 or 7... lower I'm crying from sadness and higher I'm so happy I'm crying haha.

10. If I'm stressed, my go to is cookie dough.

Well, that's just few of my quirks that you may not see on Facebook ????